Family Connection is a comprehensive Web site that can be used to make plans about courses, colleges, and careers. Please visit the CCHS Family Connection site at:
Naviance will allow you to:
Get involved in the planning and advising process—Build a resume; complete online surveys; and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers.
Research colleges—Compare grade point average, standardized test scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past.
Research careers—Research hundreds of careers and career clusters, as well as take career assessments like the “Do What You Are” test.
Create plans for your future—Build course plans; create goals and to-do lists; and complete tasks assigned to you by the school to better prepare yourself for your future college and career goals.
Naviance Family Connection will also allow us to share information with you about upcoming meetings and events, scholarship opportunities, and other resources for college and career information. You can also use the site to stay in communication with the School Counselors at Central Crossing.
We hope that you will find this resource helpful. Our implementation of Naviance Family Connection will roll out over the next few months. Students will have formal training with Naviance during normal school hours and will be able to then use it anywhere they have an internet connection.
In order for your student to utilize Naviance Family Connection, he/she must first make sure to have successfully created an account and logged into Infinite Campus at least one time. This is the first step in our implementation process and it must be completed by all students before we can proceed. Please make sure your child does this at his/her earliest convenience.
If your child needs help locating login information for Infinite Campus, they may come to the School Counseling Office and ask for help. We look forward to working with you and this wonderful new program!